"Judge: What is your date of birth? 

Abbie: Psychologically, 1960."

"You can cut all the flowers, buy you cannot stop spring from coming." So does revolution. It will come, seeds that was stamped under the earth will fill the valley with flowers.

Every now and then, you come across a story and it thrills your senses and spirit to see a bigger picture and soon the worries of daily life dampens the spirit. And yet some men, who are chosen by destiny itself to light a path for the ones in eternal darkness and ignorance. Brave men who had the will and guts to break the status quo and fight the system. Only to be hunted down by packs of powers in higher realms and ones harnessing selfish motives on the common men.

They start off knowing that the path is long, the roadblocks on the way too many to overcome. Yet, they lead the way with the tiny light on their back for the ones to follow.

A group of young men, awakened by the reality of sheer contempt of their elected government for them, forced their way into protests for the world to see, carrying certain ideas across state lines. Not machine guns or drugs or little girls. But ideas! IDEAS!

It's time we look around and see the contempt we are treated with. At a time like never before, when there is no going back to the normal for a foreseeable future. The sheer contempt the government has for us is disheartening. Migrant death, no data. Arogya Setu, no data, Dalit exploitation, no data. Nothing.

When kin goes against each other in the name of religion, caste and difference of opinion; to see the government feeding off it to prolong their rule. It sure does pain, knowing the place you grew up is no long the same. 

You be the one who instills a spark, one may ask. Took a No Shave November campaign to convince my Boss to keep the beard for a month. Revolution indeed!

For all those feeble voices that want to shout Revolution at the top of their lungs, stories like The Trial of the Chicago 7 gives an immense gratification. It does appease their rational appetite for a short time. Like Bhim chief Chandrasekhar's speech against the system or the charismatic Azaadi poem that did the rounds once. Yes it does gives your leftist heart a very much needed orgasm. Something to ponder upon.

The Trial of the Chicago 7, is a really well taken movie and for someone who had no idea about what were they a day before, it sure does paint a good picture. Well done. Anything more than that would not be of any substance.

Movies like this, does stand as textbooks for a generation who has been fed to accept the status quo as normal and move on. Even in it's dramatized forms, some true events does show you lives of fellow men who were cut down by political trial and yet forced there way to make spring for the generations to come.

"In 1968, democracy refused to back down."

What will it do today?


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